Total hat-tip to Webomatica for this.
The web is slowly filling up Songsmith “remixes” of popular songs.
It’s a program recently released by Microsoft Research that purports to make anyone and everyone a songwriter. Just select a musical style and sing into a microphone and the app will automatically generate accompanying music. Arrangements and chords can all be customized.
Of course it didn’t take long for enterprising users to figure out that Songsmith accepts pre-recorded vocals as well. Just isolate them from the original recordings, feed them into the program and customized the settings. Songsmith does the rest.
The results can be hilarious and a steady stream of new mixes are making their way to YouTube. The website Wrongsmith [which is no longer online, oct 2012] is doing a pretty good job of collecting the best of them.
Here’s a few of my favorites so far:
Michael Jackson – Beat It
Envisioned as a spastic techno carnival.
Queen – We Will Rock You
A calypso anthem.
Billy Idol – White Wedding
Bluegrass style.
To its credit, the program does a pretty decent job of staying on key and and tempo. Though it’s not perfect, it’s often “close enough for rock and roll.”
Songsmith is one of my new favorite things.