Underwater music from the National Skyline

A Night at the Drugstore, found on National Skyline’s 2001 album This=Everything. The band started by Hum’s bassist after that band’s demise. This song is smooth and laid back with a looping, but grounded ethereal quality.


I think it belongs on your iPod; I know it’s happy on mine.

National Skyline - This = Everything - A Night At the Drugstore

Michael Jackson, P.Y.T.

Here’s today’s song of the day. Michael Jackson’s Pretty Young Thing from Thriller. For all Michael’s recent problems, the fact remains he was absolutely amazing in his time. Thriller, Off the Wall and to a lesser extent, Bad are still phenomenal albums.

I like the quasi-funk backing on this song. Groove it.


Michael Jackson - Thriller - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

Oh, and tomorrow is Halloween; you know what that means.

Stereolab – Puncture in the Radar Permutation

Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night

While it is a song with an incomprehensible name Puncture In The Radar Permutation from an album with an incomprehensible name Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night, here’s the song that got me hooked on Stereolab. It’s a song with several movements, beginning with a haunting tension that mounts to a climax around 2:20. Then it totally breaks down and melts that tension with super-smooth percussion, which persists until about 4:25, when the strings bring it to a graceful coda.
